I’m a gal that’s pretty obsessed with productivity. With that being said, I love reading books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“. I’m particularly in love with this book because it challenges my line of thinking. This is the 1st of 7 posts on the “7 Habits” that I hope will inspire and challenge you. How to be Proactive {Habit 1} My summary on “Lean In” and how to balance your career and personal life was popular so I hope you guys enjoy this as well! Albert Einstein said, “The significant problems we face cannot be solved...
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Hi darlings! So glad you’ve stopped by. So you’ve found your way to my about me page and you’re curious about me. I love that. Now here come a flood of pictures to help you get to know me a little more! a little about me I’m 23 years old and am an alumnus of UNC-Chapel Hill. Go Heels! I love playing the cello. I’ve played everything from classical, symphonic, rock, and worship. One time I backpacked and walked through clouds & ate wild blueberries. That was cool. I’ve grown my hair all the way down my back and...