It has been seven years since I started posting on this blog and I never thought that making a course would be a part of this journey.
2020 and 2021 have taken me on the wildest ride of my life. In 2021, I chose the word “Intentional” and decided to get intentional about absolutely everything in my life. I took several days and sat down to explore who I was and “WHY”. I figured out what I wanted to fill my days with and got in touch with my passions and my dreams.
For as long as I can remember, my life motto has been “LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE”. I know one thing for certain and that is that this life that we have is far too precious to be wasted on meaningless things. Well, after deciding to be truly intentional with my life – my life took a turn I wasn’t expecting.
Suddenly, I found myself offering encouragement in a form I had never before through my Instagram. Reels were launched and I really felt like I found a form of expression that spoke to my personality and my message. Pretty soon, my following was exploding and I found a fire light up inside of me as I spoke about topics like self-improvement, productivity, organization, boundaries, relationships, and of course a sprinkling of fashion because why go through life without looking your best as well?
For years, I have been absolutely OBSESSED with these topics. It’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember. When I was five years old, my form of “play” was organizing everything in the house. I alphabetized all of our books and even created custom SKUs for them. I organized my mom’s closet and her shoes by color and type. I organized all of the kitchen appliances. I have always had an obsession with self-help books and learning how to improve and hyper-activate my efficiency. I love to track progress for absolutely anything that I could (something that is now become trendy these days in the form of habit trackers and goal charts). I used to think the fact that I did these things made me weird. They didn’t align with the “cool” “fashionable” “outgoing” “extroverted” personality that I loved to claim for myself.
It’s cliche, but this year, I truly learned to unapologetically embrace and love ALL aspects of myself. Including the parts that I didn’t deem worthy for public knowledge. Come to find out, it was what the world had been looking for all along. This part of myself that I wanted to hide and keep secret because it wasn’t “cool enough” – now I had women messaging me daily thanking me for sharing these aspects of myself that I used to think were boring.
It’s crazy but the more questions that came in, the more I found myself lit up to solve the problem that kept coming up over and over and over again. So many women were longing for a life of fulfillment, to simply pursue the things that made them happy and to be provided practical steps for achieving it.
Let me reiterate, I have never even imagined a course to be a part of my journey in this life. But, as I continued to have conversations with women and answer questions, I found myself getting frustrated for being unable to provide the time and level of detail in answering their questions that I wanted to. I needed to find a way to get the information that I had in my head and the knowledge that I had from my experience in a form that was easy to access so that I could help all of these women who were simply struggling and wanting more.
And so, Cest La Vie course was born. “Cest La Vie” means such is life. I am now 28 years old and I have experienced more failure, heartbreak, and disappointment than I would have wanted, but life is funny that way. The key lesson that I learned is that getting back up is the most important part. Sometimes, you just have to say “such is life” – move on – and keep trying. It’s the only way.
Life is too short to let the few potholes that shake us up, stop us from continuing to live a life that is fulfilling and worth it.
You can view the complete details by clicking here but let me give you an overview.
- Pursuing Intentionality
Understanding the importance of what being intentional looks like is what really kick-started one of the best years of my life. I want that same understanding for you.
- Learning Your Goals and Dreams
It’s hard to feel fulfilled when you don’t have a good idea of what your dreams and goals look like. Exploring your identity and what makes you light up is so incredibly important and one of my favorite parts of this course.
- Routines and Habits
I love this quote by Aristotle – “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” Learning the importance of establishing a routine and how to implement better habits is a key part of fulfilling your dreams.
- Essential Time Management Skills
Time is one of those things that nobody seems to have enough of. Here’s the thing though, all of us have the same number of minutes in a day. If you look at someone and wonder, “How in the world do they do all of those things?” – it’s probably because they have a strong handle on how to manage their time.
Time is gold. It is the most precious thing you have that you can control.
- Establishing Confidence & Changing Your Mindset
Confidence also seems to be one of the most sought-after traits. It makes sense, confident people seem to achieve so much more. There’s a reason for that and it definitely has to do with their mindset.
What if you….
- Woke up every day excited to take on the day
- Knew exactly how to fill your days with plenty of time for rest and relaxation and quality time with friends and family
- Learned the power of managing your time well
- Were focused and energized by your determination to accomplish your dreams
- Felt more organization because of the systems that you have in place
- Went to bed every night fulfilled and happy with how the day went
- Had time to workout, eat healthy meals, rest, and even a skincare routine
- Finally got the guts to take action on your dreams
- Were able to finally just get things done!
I’ve been where you are and friend, I’m longing for you to feel what it’s like to live the life of your dreams.
It’s not dramatic to say, it’s truly priceless.
Let’s make 2022 your year.