How to live a classy lifestyle?

You’ve probably stumbled upon this post because you’re wanting to pursue a classy lifestyle – let’s start with the definition of class.
class /klas/: (adj) showing stylish excellence.
A person who is poised, graceful, mature, or exudes any of these qualities in dress, mannerism, language, and everyday life. Possesses excellent self-control, is gentle, soothing, and unoffensive.
If it is your desire to live a classy and elegant lifestyle .. please read on. These are the habits of a classy and elegant woman.
1. Carry yourself with poise or class
What does it mean to be classy? The first step is to live with life poise.
When I envisioned myself as a classy woman, I saw elegant updos, captivating ballgowns, perfect pearls, and a dainty strut. (If you want to read about a life lesson I learned about this, click here). But, class isn’t about your appearance. I realized there are habits of a classy woman. To have poise is to treat everybody with the same level of respect and kindness. You are determined to solve problems with integrity. To portray elegance in prioritizing and valuing relationships, family, and time.
2. Respect your body & Exude Your Class in the Way You Dress
Gals, it comes down to this. Love your body and respect it. Do not let anybody dictate what it should look like or what you should wear. Be comfortable in it. So,when you envision a classy woman, what do you see her wearing? Does your current closet reflect that?
3. Think before you speak
A true class act is shown in a gal who speaks thoughtfully. It is of my opinion that cussing is not classy. Neither is gossiping, speaking negatively about someone or something, or letting your emotions take control of your words.
It is admirable for one to speak words that are thought-provoking, encouraging, and intelligent.

4. Show Appreciation
To note, nothing is more classy than sending and showing gratitude in the form of text, letters, or a phone call. I always have a stack of thank you letters handy to show my gratitude. People love to be appreciated.
5. Pursue Improvement
A truly classy gal will always work to improve herself and to become the woman she wants to be. Read books on topics that interest you and be informed. In the end, intelligence and wit will take you much further than appearances will.
6. Develop Elegant Mannerisms and Classy Eating Habits
Most women should know little things like sitting with your back straight and taking care not to slouch make a big difference.
Above all, making sure to have graceful eating habits is very important. Being classy is a lifestyle!
To sum up, take care not to do the following:
- Do not chew your food loudly
- Do not smack your lips
- No burping
- Do not roll your eyes
- No picking your nose
- Do not sit with your legs spread apart
- No slouching

7. Be Generous
A classy woman takes care to make those around her feel special and cared for. Offer your help to a friend in need. Remember birthdays and carry out acts make the ones you love feel special.
8. Be On Time
Punctuality speaks volumes. Being respectful of someone else’s time is incredibly important. Being fashionably late is a trend that, to be frank, is just not classy.
9. Practice Self-Control
This applies to many aspects of life. Keep your emotions at bay, a classy woman shows poise particularly in moments when her emotions are tested. Practice keeping cool, calm, and collected. When it is appropriate for a reaction, respond to the problem at hand instead of the person.
Will you take these tips to live a classier life? What secrets do you have up your sleeve? Do you think you learned how to be classy and elegant?