This past weekend, I met up with my bestie and we had a girl’s weekend in Charlotte! Since moving to another city it’s been hard to see her. We planned this trip a few months in advance just to be able to spend time with each other and it basically inspired this blog post for me.

If you are married or in a relationship, it’s important more than ever to make sure that you are spending some time with your gals! Your husband/significant other is amazing but there are some things they will never understand that your best girl’s will!

And so without further ado, here are FOUR REASONS you should schedule a girl’s weekend with your besties.
1. To Go Shopping
Let’s be real, it just isn’t as fun to go shopping with your husband as it is to go shopping with your girls! If you’re planning a girl’s weekend, you should 100% put shopping on the list. Your girls will be 100% more invested in your choices and have a better opinion than your poor husband will if you dragged him shopping.

2. To Talk in Real-Time
Technology these days truly is amazing and I’m blessed to be able to keep up with my girls via text, facetime, social media, etc. If my girls are active on the internet, I still for the most part, feel very much a part of their lives. But, at the end of the day, there really is nothing quite like having a conversation in front of each other and in real time! And, there’s nothing quite like talking without a filter with your girls haha.

3. To Get Fancy!
What better excuse is there to dress up than a girl’s night? The whole process of getting ready for girl’s night – putting makeup on together, dancing to music, and picking out outfits is SO FUN!
It’s fun dressing up for a date but it’s even more fun dressing up for a girl’s night. There’s no pressure, it’s purely for fun and that makes it all the more better!

4. To Show Your Friends You Care!
It’s hard to make time for your friends. It seems like it gets harder with each passing year and your true friends will stay in your life for all of the right reasons. But, just remember, a friendship requires effort on both ends. Remember to make an effort to keep up with them – a phone call or a text once in a while always makes a big difference. Being able to schedule some time to see them is even better!
What are some of your favorite girl’s night / girl’s weekend memories? This girl’s weekend was particularly memorable for me because we got to celebrate Biden’s win to Presidency together. It was a joyful time indeed!