we’re into managing with efficiency, setting and achieving goals before we have even clarified our values
Hi darlings, I’m back with Habit 2 of my series on recapping my reading of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the first recap, click –> Habit 1: How to be Proactive
1. Recognize why You are Doing Something
There are many times that I find myself mindlessly completing a task just because it’s on my “to-do” list. Let’s just say it feels a lot better doing the little things when there’s a purpose behind it! As you are making your to-do list, think about why you’re doing it. If you find a task to be meaningless to your goals or for improving your character and discipline, take care of the more important ones.
2. Write a Mission Statement
If you had trouble doing #1, this is the next step to take. Writing down the mission you have for your life helps you to think through your priorities and align your behavior with your beliefs.
3. Identify the roles you have in your life
What do you identify yourself as? A student? A teacher, mother, girlfriend, Christian, etc. These things that you identify yourself are what your goals should be prioritized around. These are what you should use to identify where you want to be and helps you determine where you are.
This was a short chapter that relays something that most people don’t stop to think about. When you have your end goals in mind, there’s a lot more productivity and inspiration coming your way, I guarantee it! :)
As always feel free to comment or ask me questions at jadoregrace@gmail.com