September sure has been a whirlwind! Joe got settled back into school and I got settled into working from home and getting used to being inside to avoid the heat of NC. September was filled with job interviews, getting back into the swing of bible study and small groups, etc. I did end up accepting a job offer (thank you for your prayers!) and for the final bang, Hurricane Florence decided to forecast as a Category 4 coming our way (Eastern NC).
Thankfully, the storm did not cause as much damage as we expected in our part of town but there are many towns near the coast that are suffering from massive flooding and damage. Now more than ever I am so grateful for the first responders and volunteers that are risking their lives to help others. Hopefully, this is the worst to come but I’m told that flooding could be another serious issue. Please keep praying for all the places hit by the Hurricane, they will surely be needed!
There’s a little less than half of the month left, but I do like to try to keep my goals posted consistently on the blog so even if it is late, it’s here! There’s something powerful about having your goals written down, so I try to do this monthly.
— No major planned events this month!
— I have been watching “The 100” on Netflix while I cook, it is such a great show! If I were to give a summary, it would be about people in space coming down to earth to deal with different kinds of problems such as radiation, humans already inhabiting the earth, etc.
— This Whole 30 Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato Baked Chicken. If you’re new around here, you know that I love to cook. You can follow along with my cooking adventures here and see the recipes I’m trying out on my Jadore Food Pinterest board here!
— I’m keeping my eyes peeled on the 2018 Fall Foliage report to plan a trip to the mountains with our friends.
— The First 90 Days – it was a bit of a hard read for me to follow along with because the book caters to those trying to transition into a managerial position. But, I read this to prepare myself to transition to a new job this season! Definitely a book to keep in rotation for a “re-read”.
— Somehow managed to completely skip posting my August Goals. I’ll do better next time!
— Get our home Fall ready! (see last year’s Fall Tablescape here)
— Start new job with a plan and goals set in place!
— Bake something pumpkin themed
— Go apple picking
— Have dinner with a new couple
— Get a new phone!
— Finish Mastery Business System
— Read two books
— Work out at least 3x a week
— Get back into Powersheets
— Clean out my closet and start putting in Fall clothes (Pick out clothes to donate!)
— Set up an office space (for me!)
Fall is right around the corner and I want to take advantage of the new season well! What are the goals that you’ve set for yourself this month? I’d love to hear what they are in the comments!