To my readers that stop by, I love you guys! January was both the longest month but it also flew by.. a lot of things happened. We got a puppy, I went to Vegas for a week for work, we hosted friends for dinner, I got back into a groove of working out, etc. It’s funny how quickly life flies by. I feel like I barely had time to sit down and process the fact that it’s actually 2019.
I failed you guys last month and did not bring you an epic JANUARY / 2019 GOALS list as I planned. But I’ll go ahead and give you quick rundown now
All of my top priorities remain the following:
– Grow in my faith
– Prioritize our marriage
– Excel in my career
– Take care of my body (Diet and Exercise)
– Have financial responsibility (Budgeting)
– Take care of Banjo
– And on top of all of that, maintain a social life and be a good daughter, sister, friend, and mentor.
Whew, typing all of that out and seeing all of the things I’m trying to balance is a bit overwhelming but it always helps me to sit down and process and number my priorities and goals. Would you join me for this month’s goals?
*Life Tip*
If you feel overwhelmed and like you have too much going on, sit down and give yourself some grace. Plan out your days but also make sure to allot more than enough time for yourself to make some mistakes, for a project to take longer than anticipated, and to soak in the little things that give you joy. For all of my type A readers who are like me, I know that this is probably hard for you and you just want to be on the go go go all the time, but trust me, your happiness is greater than any goals you achieve. And Christ is greater than EVERYthing.
*Thank you for joining me for my TED talk*
– Cirque du Solieil Opening Night
– Valentine’s Day (we will be cooking a nice dinner in, our favorite tradition. I’ve got my eyes on a nice package deal over at Fresh Market
– Going to California (I’ve got another work trip!)
– Get Banjo his final set of vaccines
– Plane ticket prices (we are trying to make a big trip in March!)
– I actually finished “Girl, Wash Your Face” because I had a 5 hour long airplane ride to Vegas. I loved it!
– Work out every Saturday (I have no issue working out 3-4x a week but when it gets to the weekend, it’s tough!)
– Have a fun Galentine’s night with my girls
– Get Banjo to the vet for his final set of vaccines
– Spend time in the word (Ideally this would be in the mornings)
– Read a book
– Get at least two more blog posts up this month
– Say “YES” to opportunities
– Get 8 hours of sleep a night
– Start search for places to move to
I have a lot of things on my list of goals that I’ve had to put on the backburner because it’s more important for me to prioritize my marriage, taking care of Banjo, my career, and my relationships but I’m trying to strike a balance and still achieve as much as I want to every day. If anybody has any good time management skills / books to share, I’d love to hear them in the comments!!