Wow! Christmas is here, you guys it has been a CRAZY year!

(make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post for our Christmas pictures!)
I’m doing things a little bit differently this year. You guys are all like family to me, so I’m going to do a bit more of a personal post and bring you guys a virtual Christmas card. This year was not all rainbows, we know that to be true. Overall, it was a challenging and reformative year.
In February, I went to Las Vegas for a work convention!

In March, I celebrated my birthday, with absolutely no idea of the months to come. Looking back, January – March feels like a blur that no longer seems real.

April came around, we started to beg people to stay home. Even more so on social media. What a blur!

More than anything, I was grateful for the time with my husband.
We made homemade masks, thinking we wouldn’t need to purchase them. We now have over 20 masks in our house.

There was lots and lots of cooking and baking in the Nenow kitchen.
Got to start working from home!
My brother graduated from Dental School. He is now a practicing Dentist and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that my baby brother is now a working adult.
Started working out daily at home. Thankfully, I had a gym that really prioritized its members and made zoom workouts available. I was able to get my fitness thanks to TITLE, Chloe Ting, and MAD FIT.
The summer brought a series of racial tensions and challenges that I had never before experienced in my life. There was a lot of heartbreak, long moments of reflection, a new perspective on humanity, both positive and negative.
In June, we took a trip to the beach. It felt like we were committing a crime. But this weekend brought a lot of joy!

In August, I took a short trip to Charleston which was also a much needed get-away.

The Fall and months leading up to the election brought another range of highs and lows. There was a lot of tension everywhere I looked on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). I was disappointed over and over in humanity and challenged daily to pursue and live like Christ.
We did however, get to make our yearly Fall trip to see the beautiful leaves of the Blue Ridge Parkway!
2020 marked our 4th year in Greenville, NC. God had called us here so that Joe could pursue his medical school career. It’s hard to believe that he is in his final year of school. And with that, his final year, brought rotations beyond our home city.
For that reason, we got to live in 3 different cities this year! We started out in Chapel Hill, NC –> Memphis, TN –> Winston Salem, NC. It was definitely an adventure and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
And now, we are ending the year with our family. I’m grateful that we have been able to see the blessings of this year. It truly has been one of the most challenging years yet. God bless you all!