Fall is right around the corner and I am tucking away the memories of Summer 2019 and preparing myself for a new season. Literally and figuratively.

There’s just something about a new season that lights a fire in my soul for change. I’ve always thrived in seasons of change, most people shy away from it, I welcome change with open arms.
And so, I am looking forward to Fall being here. The crisp cool air, the changing color of leaves, the nights in snuggled under fluffy blankets, and lots of nights hearing the tea kettle whistle. I’m eager to welcome nights with stew and chili, weekly crockpot dinners, and the excitement that comes as the holiday months approach.
There are certain rituals I partake in with each new season and something tugged at my heart that somebody needed to hear this or would be inspired by this. And so, here are some ways that you can prepare for this new season.
Each new season, I do the following to cleanse + refresh:
Deep-clean the entire home – I’m talking baseboards, throw open every single window in the house to circulate the air, mop, clean the leather couches, dust the blinds, things I don’t usually clean during the week to allow for a new start in our home.
Ward-robe clean-out – as the air gets cooler, I choose a weekend to bring out all of my fall/winter clothes. I do the Marie-Kondo method, if it doesn’t bring me joy it automatically goes in a pile for donations. In the same way, I start to put away my summer clothes and if I didn’t wear it all season it automatically goes in the donate pile.
Tech clean-out – I do this for my work computer and organize my files, get rid of any irrelevant files, and try to make my work space more efficient and prepare it for this season. For me, our busiest season is in the summer so I make room to prepare to tackle the things I didn’t necessarily have the time to during the summer.
I also do this with my personal computer and my cell-phone. If you guys have been following along, you know I am a big fan of that delete button. I will probably delete all the pictures I don’t need, curate the ones I love, and try to start with a blank slate!
The beginning of Fall signals to me that there is essentially three months left till the end of the year. This is when I pull out my list of goals from the beginning of the year and re-evaluate.
It’s so easy to get caught up in your routine and go through each day getting used to the same routine. I take this time to reprioritize the things that are important to me such as: taking the time to read the Bible, making plans to meet up with friends, making room for a commitment I didn’t have the time or the energy to previously.

With the new season comes a new list of events and commitments that I’m sure you all are dealing with. Fall will be a busy season of juggling blog work and getting content especially as the sun goes down sooner, making sure Banjo gets enough exercise in the daylight, committing to small groups at church, etc.
WIth these new changes will come new challenges, undoubtedly. So, I like to prepare for a new season by being especially intentional in my prayer and asking for guidance to navigate this new season of my life!
With fall comes a new and exciting set of adventures that I am looking forward to. I hate to miss out on any fun events and always have a list of things that I want to get the opportunity to do each season so I try to plan them out and discuss them with my husband and friends in advance. This is ESSENTIAL, especially because my husband is in medical school, I can’t create spontaneous events and ask him to do them with me last minute ever.

What do you do to prepare for new seasons?