If you look at the category that this blog post is in, you will see that it says “Recipe”. Ever since I have started my Whole 30 journey, I’ve realized that you guys really love being inspired by food. I’m right with you, I LOVE eating out but I also love saving money. So, I like to create meals that we would eat at restaurants at home! I’m going to try to start bringing these meals to the blog for you guys since it has been so highly requested!
I decided to start with something simple and take it from there. For now, I’ve been documenting my recipes with my iPhone camera but I want to bring a higher quality of images for my recipes to the blog!
With the cold weather we’ve been having, I wanted to share my favorite ginger tea recipe. It’s perfect for when you want to warm up quickly or sooth your throat if you’re sick. The minced ginger really brings out the flavor and warms your body. The trick is to steep for the appropriate amount of time! Add a bit of lemon and choice of sweetener (which is optional) and you have a heavenly tea that will instantly cozy you up.
2 tbsp minced ginger
1 tea bag of choice (I prefer black tea)
2 cubes brown sugar
Juice of ½ lemon
8 oz. hot boiling water

1. Mince your ginger and put at least 2 tbsp in your tea strainer.

OPTIONAL: add some brown sugar cubes for sweetness

Do you have any homemade tea recipes that you love? Let me know so I can try it out!